1:1 mentorship

Sometimes, you need MORE than just another course or a group coaching program. 

That’s where 1:1 mentorship comes in. 


1:1 mentorship is
                for you if: 

Basically, you want to work closely with a coach who is 100 percent all in on helping you explode your coaching business.

✔️ You’re looking for personalized and detailed feedback on the moves you’re making in your coaching business

✔️ You want someone to help you figure out what’s working, what’s not working, and WHY- so you can make the right changes and stop wasting a ton of time just guessing. 

✔️ You’d love to have someone to look at your content (posts, sales pages, emails, etc.) and help make sure your messaging is exactly what your audience needs to hear in order to buy. 

✔️ You want to bounce your ideas off of someone you trust and get their input so you can make decisions even faster. 

✔️ You want help mapping out a plan for exactly how you are going to reach your next big financial goal in your business. 

✔️ You know you need support in getting out of own way and actually believing that reaching the next level is really possible for you 


Hi, it’s me! 

One thing you should know about me is that I am literally OBSESSED with helping you build a wildly successful coaching business so you can make a sh*t ton of money with lots of time left for the things and people you love.  

I don’t take on more than five 1:1 clients at a time because I make it my mission to get to know you and your business on a deep level. 

I take this shit seriously! And you better believe I am ALL IN on helping you CRUSH your goals in your coaching business (and also, in your life). 

I meet you where you are, quickly understand exactly where you want to go, and then help you build and execute a step-by-step plan to get you there ASAP! 

Together, we are going to work on EVERYTHING you need to take your business to the next level and CRUSH your financial goals. 

Transforming your money mindset, eliminating your blocks, clarity with your offers & pricing strategy, nailing your messaging, up-leveling your content game, simplifying your sales strategy… and anything else you need along the way! 

My 1:1 mentorship is the place where energy + strategy + implementation = freaking magic. 

there are currently 3 different options for 1:1 mentorship


Apply now

This package is perfect for you if you’re ready to go ALL IN.  You want more than just a course or group coaching program. You’re ready for the 1: 1 hands-on, personalized 1:1 support and accountability you’ve been craving. 

→ You want the coaching calls so we can go deep and move fast and keep you on track towards your goals. 
→ You want the Voxer access so you can keep your momentum going and get the exact coaching you need when you need it.  

→ You want the full 3 months of coaching because you know that you want support and guidance as you implement and try things along the way. 


- 3 months 
- One 90 minute kick off call 
- Five 60 minute bi-weekly coaching calls 
- Unlimited Voxer access M-F, 9 am - 5 pm
- Unlimited audits of your content (posts, stories, emails, sales pages, landing pages, etc.) 
- Lifetime access to my courses: The Lit Life, The Rich Life, The Paid Coach Life  & The Six Figure Coach Life 

pay in full


$1000 discount

payment plan

$4,000 per month

standard 3 monTH payment plan

payment plan

$1,800 per month

Extended 7 month payment plan

Apply now

Apply now

the voxer only girlie

This package is perfect for you if you want everything that the ALL IN GIRLIE does, but you just aren’t into the coaching calls.

You know how much we can accomplish by working together in Voxer and that’s exactly what you’re looking for when it comes to ongoing, hands-on support.  

→ You want to be able to ask all of your questions when they come up, get input on your ideas, plan out your launches, get feedback on your content and work through any blocks you’re experiencing as you go. 


- 3 months 
- One 60 min kick off call (optional)
- Unlimited Voxer access M-Th, 9am-5pm ET 
- Unlimited audits of your content (posts, stories, emails, sales pages, etc.) 
- Lifetime access to my courses: The Lit Life & The Rich Life

pay in full


payment plan


3 month payment plan

Apply now

Apply now


This is perfect for you if you know you want a quick hit of personalized coaching.

You aren’t in a place in your business where you’re craving ongoing mentorship as you implement, but you do want personalized guidance, support and feedback on your stuff real quick! 

Maybe you want to get help with:
- planning out your next launch 
- nailing your messaging so you can make sure it slaps
- mapping out your next offer so it's an immediate hell yes
- raising your prices 
- creating a plan on how to get to your next monthly income goal
- getting out of your own way or believing in yourself and your dreams (aka a limiting belief detox or a loving kick in the a**)

It’s actually insane what we are able to accomplish in 2 days together! 

2 days Unlimited Voxer Coaching 
One content audit of your choice (posts, stories, emails, sales pages, etc) 

Once you buy, send me a DM on Instagram @dustinmushinski and we will select your dates! 

pay in full


payment plan

$267 per month

standard 2 month payment plan




 I feel so clear about what my offer is and I know exactly who I am speaking to and that feels so good! My sales page makes so much sense now and I have my launch plan completely mapped out. This would have taken me months to do on my own. I had so many freaking light bulb moments during our time together and I am feeling so much more excited about my offers and how to talk about them!


When I decided to work with Dustin 1:1 I really needed someone to hear me out, help me get all of my ideas organized and put an actual plan in place and that’s exactly what she did.

We worked on transforming my money mindset and getting rid of some deep rooted limiting beliefs and I made some simple but really impactful changes in my offer suite. We focused on what I was doing in my business but also how I was BEING. And it changed EVERYTHING. Just six months after we started working together, I hit my first $150K month.


When I started working with Dustin started working with Dustin 1:1, I was stuck at $50K months.

I loved having someone I could trust to bounce ideas off of and keep my wild mind honed in to what is actually going to work. She still let me take creative lead but helped guide me in the right direction. It was absolutely worth the investment!


My favorite thing about working 1:1 with Dustin was having that second set of Visionary eyes on my new coaching venture. 

I tend to get in my own head and act like a rumba stuck in a closet, especially when I’m about to do something big that I’ve never done before. Dustin always knows exactly what to say in those moments to help me get out of my own way. She’s such a valuable resource to have in your corner


Dustin helped me stop listening to all the things I felt like I *should* do in my business and tune into what I really *wanted* to do instead.

Having access to Dustin on a daily and weekly basis to ask my questions, share my challenges and celebrate my wins with was everything! It was a relief knowing I had someone on my team that I could lean on to check my work, reassure me I was headed in the right direction, help me navigate and strategize and in turn help me evolve and grow my business to a place it's never been before.


In just 3 months of working 1:1 with Dustin as my coach I was able to increase my prices, gain so much confidence in my abilities as a coach, create a brand new program that brought in over $10K. And, I doubled my monthly income! 

Wondering what it’s like to be on a coaching call with me? 

✔️ We can map out your entire launch strategy from start to finish. 
✔️ We can shift through all 10 of those annoying limiting beliefs that are coming up that are telling you that you aren’t good enough and this isn’t going to work for you. 
✔️ We can do a messaging deep dive and figure out exactly what you need to say in order to get people to just click and buy your offer- no objections. 
✔️ We can look at your income goal and make a plan for exactly what you’re going to sell, when you’re going to sell it and how you’re going to sell it in order to hit it. 
✔️ We can create your entire offer portfolio and make sure that every offer is freaking irresistible and will sell like crazy 

You fill out a quick 5 question form before the call. It’s a recap of what you accomplished in the last two weeks, you highlight any areas where you got stuck and share what you want to dive into on today’s call.

We hop on Zoom together and jump right in. These calls are productive AF and we get shit DONE. 

Here’s some examples of the kinds of conversations we have and things we can get done on a 60 minute coaching call together. 

Wondering what it’s like to use Voxer with me?

✔️ “The doors to my membership close tomorrow and I really want to exceed my goal for this launch- I’m so close! Any suggestions on how to finish strong?” 

✔️ “I feel like I’m stuck at making just enough money to pay off my business expenses. Is this a money block? How can I get past this?” 

✔️ “I feel like I keep getting lost in the weeds and there’s not enough time in a day. It took me an hour to write an email yesterday. Help, lol.” 
✔️ “I’d love to get some clarity on what an intensive offer could look like for my clients.” 

✔️ “I know I want to scale back in my photography business so I can go full time in my coaching business but I am freaking out. What if it doesn’t work out? 

✔️ “How can I communicate to my clients that I am raising my prices? I’m scared I’ll lose them.” 

✔️ “Can you help me figure out what my bonuses and urgency points should be for this launch?” 

✔️ “My story views are super low lately. How can I get more people to engage with my content? 

✔️ “How can I sell this if I don’t have any testimonials yet? 

✔️ “One of my clients is struggling and not getting results. It’s really getting to me and making me question everything. Is it my fault? Do I suck?” 

✔️ “Can you give me some feedback on my Instagram story pitch?” 

I check Voxer every single day, Monday - Friday between 9 am and 5 pm. 
We go back and forth with voice notes. 
You can voice note or text me anytime and I always get back to you within 24 hours (usually sooner!) 

And I don’t just send you 20 second rah rah voice messages or one sentence answers. I put my heart and soul into my responses. I answer every single one of your questions with real, tangible & actionable answers. I give you examples. I give you analogies. I give you questions to think about and suggestions on different things to try. 

Here’s some examples of the kinds of conversations we can have and the types of questions my clients ask me in Voxer… 


Send me a DM on Instagram and let’s figure it out together!”