You’re beyond ready for your coaching business to take off.  

I’m talking about the kind of take off where you can build the pool straight from your Pinterest board AND fully fund your kids’ college accounts AND take off on a random Tuesday to spend the day at the beach.

$20K months. $30K months. $50K months. $100K months.

(I know your pits are getting a little sweaty just reading that because omggggg yesssss please!) 



You love coaching.

It literally lights your soul on fire and you’re really effing good at it. And you've got the screenshots of your clients’ wins and celebrations to prove it! 

Which is great and all, but you also feel like you’re the best kept secret in the coaching world. And that kinda sucks. 

Because if you’re being super real… you feel like you’re actually a *better* coach than some of the coaches you see making a lot more money than you. No shade, but like… It’s the truth.  

You’ve made some money in your coaching business so far, but you aren’t where you wanna be yet financially. 

So what happens is...

You strategy chase. You keep looking for that one, magical strategy that’s going to be THE THING to blow your business up! 

At this point you’ve learned alllll the strategies ie how to create and live launch a course, how to build an email list, how to host a high converting webinar, how to build an automated sales funnel for your evergreen group coaching program and everything in between.

And while all of these strategies certainly work for the girly that’s teaching them- they aren’t really working all that well FOR YOU. 

Or maybe you can relate to this… 

You’re in a group and someone posts something like “OMG YOU GUYS!!!! Over 200 people have bought my course this month!!! I’m at $25K already and there’s still a few days left!” 

Immediately, you message her like…. “Girllll yes! So happy for you! Now tell me *exactly* what you did!”  

(It’s giving “One time I saw Cady Herron wearing army pants and flip flops so I bought army pants and flip flops”) 

And even though you go and do exactly what she did, step-by-freaking step… it doesn’t work for you (which is literally the most annoying thing ever)!  

And then…. 

Wanna know what else I know?!  

I know that you’re soooooo ready to be done with all of that. 

You’re ready to be KNOWN for what you do. To be the go-to coach in your niche. To be wildly successful and highly paid. 

It’s time to unlock your next level and literally change your entire freaking life. 


My signature 12-Month Mentorship Program to help you get the eff out of your own way so you can make way more money as a coach.

This is a YEAR of mentorship where you get: 

2x Monthly Q&A coaching/mentorship calls: you can ask me anything on these calls ie work through a mindset block, see how I do things in my biz, get my feedback on your offer, launch plan, messaging, etc., mapping out your exact next steps ($14,000 value) 

Bi-weekly “Get out of your head” telegram broadcasts: on the weeks we don't have calls we will open up our mindset focused telegram chat! This is where you can tell me where you're getting in your head and I'll respond with an in depth voice message to help you shift so you can get back to killing it ($12,000 value)

1x Monthly "Messaging that Slaps" Office Hours (first come, first served): work 1:1 with me to nail your messaging and figure out EXACTLY what you need to say to get your dream clients to buy with zero objections ($4,000 value) 

Community Led Facebook Group: there is something so powerful about having a safe space to share and celebrate your biggest wins and ask for support when you need it. The energy that comes with being in a community like this is EVERYTHING ($1,200 value)

3 All New Exclusive Recorded Workshops: 
  • Million Dollar Mindset ($333 value)
  • Messaging that Slaps  ($333 value) 
  • Selling the Sh*t out of your Sh*t ($333 value) 

Lifetime Access to my most in demand programs: 
The Rich Life ($997 value) 
The Lit Life ($497 value) 
Power Moves ($27 value) 
The Ultimate Manifestation Bundle ($67 value) 

Lifetime Access to any new programs I create during your time in Shift It. 

Say no more, i'm in!

The reason I know so much about you is because literally... I AM YOU.  

There are two times where my income has jumped like WHOA and really freaking fast (I’m talking like in less than 60 days fast). 

The first time was when I went from struggling to sell a few $497 courses to hitting consistent $10K months (this was when I was able to leave my 9-5 job!) 

And then again when I went from averaging $13K months to having my first $55K month. 

I didn’t find some magic new strategy. I didn’t double my prices. I didn’t go viral on Instagram and gain thousands of new followers. 

So what did I do? 

I shifted my focus to the core things that are the foundation of a multiple six-figure coaching business. 

And then, I got the EFF out of my head. I stopped looking outside of myself for answers. I stopped playing small and holding myself back. I trusted myself. I went all in. I overcame my own BS.

Because the reason I wasn’t hitting my income goals had nothing to do with me not knowing what to do or how to do it. 

It had everything to do with me being in my own way. 

And as soon as I shifted… the clients, the sales and the money started coming in like crazy. 

I’m talking like multiple dream clients sliding into my DM’s out of nowhere asking if they can join my highest ticket offers ($12,000-$20,000).  

Filling 8 spots for my in person retreat before even selling it publicly. 

Having $30K- $50K launches be my new norm (without running any ads so hello gorgeous profit margins) 

And I’m sooooo lit up and ready to help you do this too! 


After helping many of my clients reach six, multiple six and even seven figure years… here’s what I know FOR SURE. 

There are three things that are total GAME CHANGERS when it comes to you reaching your income goals as a coach. 


You need to be able to talk about your offer in a way where your ideal client sees your IG stories or reads your emails and is immediately like… holy shit tits, get out of my head! When you talk about your offer they are nodding their head and feeling soooo seen. And they know they want it, because it’s 100 percent made for them. Zero objections. Just gimme it. I say it all the time- your messaging has to slap! 


Apply Now!


It’s not that you don’t know what strategy to use to sell out your offers, it’s that you sometimes get in your head about it. 

It’s not that you don’t know what your next bomb ass offer should be or what to include in it or how much to charge for it, it’s that you sometimes get in your head about it. 

It’s not that you don’t know what to say about your offer to get them to buy with zero objections, it’s that you sometimes get in your head about it. 

See where I’m going with this?! 

The reason you aren't where you want to be is because you accidentally get in your head about this shit! (don't worry, we all do it) 

Yes, strategy is important.  And you know a lot of strategies. I use them. My clients use them. And they all work. 

We just need to get them to work FOR YOU. 

And the key to that is....… YOUR MINDSET. 

Having a mentor that can help you see where you're getting in your head and playing small and overthinking is EVERYTHING. 

Having a mentor that can help you shift and get out of your own way is PRICELESS. 

I say it all the time. Strategy is king. But mindset is queen. And we all know whose really running the show! 

I'm the coach that's going to help you nail your offer suite, make your messaging slap and sell the shit out of your shit... because I'm going to help you get out of your own way while you do it!

And that's what it REALLY takes to get to make wayyyy more money really freaking fast.   

12 monthly payments


PER Month

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pay in full 


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Pay-in-Full Bonus: 45 minute 1:1 coaching call with me!


You are powerful. 
You are amazing at what you do. 
Your big dreams are MEANT for you.
You already have what it takes.
You were made for an amazing life and a sh*t ton of money. 

And when it comes down to it, sometimes you just need someone to help you eliminate all the bullshit in your brain that's making everything 10 times harder than it needs to be. 

And that’s what SHIFT IT is all about.

Quick shifts. Big moves. Endless success. Way more money. 

I’ve got you.

No more wasting time spiraling down the “I’m not good enough” or “who am I to do this?” rabbit hole.

No more questioning yourself, getting in your own way or blocking your success.

No more playing small and holding yourself back.

No more imposter syndrome. 

Let’s SHIFT IT. 



Fill out the application.  

Dustin will personally review your answers and if it's a good fit, she will follow up with an Instagram DM with the next steps to get started! 

** Please note- At this time Dustin is not taking sales calls. If you do have questions or want to chat back and forth to help make your decision, please fill out the application and send Dustin a DM on Instagram @dustinmushinski and she will be happy to chat with you that way

Apply NOW


"Dustin's ability to help me immediately get out of my own way was the key to exploding my coaching business.  With her support as my mindset coach I went from stuck at $50K months to easily hitting $150K months!"



"I tend to get in my own head and feel like a roomba stuck in a closet.  Dustin has a way of helping you immediately remember who you are, tap back into your power and get unstuck. It's magical. She helped me triple my income as a coach. "