→ You're tired of working a job that you don't give a flying tit about and the thought of doing it for 20+. more years (or even one more minute) makes you want to scream
→ You’re so done with not being in charge of your own schedule and that panicky feeling you get when the school nurse calls and you have to go pick up a sick kiddo
→ You'd rather be watching Bravo or sipping a diet coke by the pool instead of wasting time on a Zoom call that totally could have been an email
→ You're so over feeling limited on how much money you can make in your current career
→ Maybe you even tried the MLM thing (because hello time freedom and making money on your own terms) but you want something that's 100% completely yours
I totally get it.
You're beyond ready to be your own boss and ditch the 9-5 job that is sucking the life out of you.
The only problem is...
You don't have a ton of extra time on your hands to figure out how to turn your existing skills, knowledge and experience into the money making coaching business of your dreams.
After I had my second daughter, I knew I wanted out of my 9-5 job.
I was busting my butt at a job I didn’t love making a 5-figure income. I was exhausted, stressed to the max and miserable. Honestly, it sucked.
I knew I wanted more.
Like the freedom to prioritize my daughter's school Halloween parade and 9 AM yoga class.
And the kind of money where I could swipe my card without thinking twice about it.
I decided to give the whole MLM thing a shot because the phrases “time freedom” and “making money on my own terms” are basically my love language.
That’s where I fell in love with coaching. Empowering other women lit me up in a way that I couldn’t even explain.
I quickly realized I wanted something that was 100% mine (I mean, did you see what happened recently with BeautyCounter and Savvi?)
I decided to become a coach and start my own coaching business.
I was still working a demanding 9-5 job and had two kids in travel sports (if you know, you know, lol).
I didn’t have a ton of extra time on my hands, but I was determined to make it work.
Using the exact process I'm teaching you in this course, I created my first coaching offer and signed my first $2K coaching client.
Two months later, I had my first $14,000 month and immediately retired from my 9-5 job!
In my first year as a full time coach, I made $170,000.
I work ~ 25 hours a week from my cute home office, my couch, my bed or my pool. And I don't work on Fridays!
I make my work schedule around my life. My girls' soccer games, lash fills, yoga classes and facials go on the calendar first and it's seriously a dream come true!
I consistently make multiple 5-figures a month doing what I love and my coaching spots are always full! (I celebrated a $55K month last month!)
I have helped dozens of women turn their passion, knowledge and experience into the money making coaching business of their dreams.
And now, it's your turn!
Bite sized training videos that guide you step-by-step through the entire process of starting your own wildly successful coaching business (lifetime access)
Simple homework for each training to help you go from "I don't know what I'm doing" to "I'm fully booked out with $2K+ dream clients" ASAP.
(lifetime access)
→ Create your signature coaching package that's a guaranteed "hell yes" for your dream client
→ Implement my proven "no brainer" pricing strategy to make sure your offer sells like crazy and you get paid what you really want without feeling weird or uncomfortable about it being too high
→ Lock in the rock solid confidence you need to put yourself and and your offers out into the world without worrying about what anyone will think
“I’m ready to start my coaching business. What should I do first?”
“Omg, they said yes! I did it! Ummm…now what?”
→ Create a simple on-boarding process so your clients have a fantastic experience from the minute they say YES
→ Become legally legit (Contracts, Terms & Conditions, etc.) so you and your biz are protected from Day 1!
→ Utilize my proven & crazy effective coaching techniques to help your clients get such incredible results that they refer you to everyone they know
→ Collect killer customer testimonials and use them the right way to attract even more dream clients
“Okay, I have my offer and I’m ready to sign paid clients! How do I do that?”
→ Implement my simple social media strategy to build an audience of potential dream clients who can't wait to pay you
→ Nail how to talk about your offer so your ideal clients immediately see the value and sign up with zero hesitation
→ Use my 5 signature strategies to easily find and sign $2K+ clients on repeat (even if you've never coached before)
→ Turn followers into paid clients without ever feeling the least bit sleazy, pushy or annoying (a big audience is not required- I made my first $80K with less than 1400 IG followers)
→ New Client On-Boarding Guide: A step-by-step guide for the seamless process you can use to take your clients from "Omg YES, I'm in!" to contract signed, invoice paid and calls scheduled to ensure they have a great client experience from day 1.
→ Social Media Simplified Guide: The best of the best IG post prompts, story prompts, caption templates, content schedules and more to help you build your brand and sign your dream clients without spending all your time on social media. No more wasting time staring at your phone wondering what the hell to post!
→ Paid Coach Life Tech Stack: A complete breakdown of the only "tech" you really need to start your coaching business! What it is, what you need it for, where to get it and how to use it- easy peasy lemon squeezy!
→ Have a thriving coaching business that allows you to do what you love while making a sh*t ton of money and changing lives?
→ Be your own boss and have complete control of your schedule so you can spontaneously decide to take the day off and treat yourself to a massage?
→ Work from wherever you want- your cute home office, a coffee shop, the car, poolside, etc. (messy buns welcome and no makeup or work attire required, lol)
→ Receive countless messages from happy clients about how you totally changed their life?
→ Have a waitlist full of dream clients who literally can't wait to pay you THOUSANDS of dollars to work with you
→ You've been playing with the idea of starting your coaching business for awhile now and you just can't shake the feeling that this whole coaching thing might be perfect for you
→ You love helping people and making a big impact in their life and the thought of actually getting paid (really freaking well) to do it excites the sh*t out of you
→ You're dreaming of having a job with the freedom and flexibility to prioritize the things and people that matter the most to you (while also making BANK)
→ You want to skip the whole "wtf am I doing?!" phase of this journey. No wasting hours of your life (that you don't have) trying to figure this out on your own. You want the fast track to success, please and thank you!
Step 1: Sign up for the course!
Step 2: You will immediately receive an email with login instructions.
Step 3: Log into the platform and dive into the trainings!
As soon as you enroll you can dive into the content and start implementing immediately!
You get instant access to all the things as soon as you sign up!
I brought in over $13,000 with my new signature coaching program so far. It’s crazy, but I was able to do it while only working about 10-15 hours a week on my business!
With her help I created my signature coaching package, filled every single spot and made over $15,000 in my first 3 months. The best thing about it was that I was finally able to do something I love and make an impact while still putting my family first. For me, that was everything!
I got certified as a nutrition coach, but I had no clue how to actually start my coaching business. I had no offer and no clients. With Dustin's help, I created my offer and signed my first paid client in 4 weeks!
Never in a million years did I think I’d have my own business. Never in a million years did I think I could or would put myself out there on social media. I would probably still be stumbling blindly through everything had it not been for this! I would 10/10 recommend it!
When Covid hit and my two beauty businesses were shut down for 3 months, my whole world flashed in front of my eyes. After reflecting, I knew I wanted to focus on a venture that would ensure my future success as a beauty business owner and also give me something to wake up to that I was MOST passionate about.
While working with Dustin, I was able to map out my entire coaching business. I created and launched my first offer and I made $10,000!
I have sold over 40 spots so far in my coaching program! And, I have successfully SOLD OUT every single one of my launches! She teaches the perfect combo of mindset and strategy and it totally works! I seriously would not be where I am today without her!
I also saw a 40% increase in my Instagram followers and tightened up my offerings and pricing to something that I feel really confident in and is super clear for my clients. It would have taken me 3x as long to get where I am today and I might not even have gotten here because the limiting beliefs, doubt and fear can be completely paralyzing. Thank you so much for everything!
A: I made my first $10K in my coaching business with less than 700 Instagram followers and no email list (I didn’t even know what an email list was when I started). I made my first $100K with less than 1500 Instagram followers. In this course you will learn how to tap into the audience you do have from the start (no matter how small it is) so you can get your first paid clients. You’ll also learn the simple, easy and proven strategies to grow your audience and pack it full of your soulmate clients that can’t wait to work with you!
A: All good! This program is going to walk you through every single thing you need to know about starting and building your business from the ground up!
A: I know from my own personal experience and the results that my clients are getting how powerful this course really is. These steps, processes and strategies have absolutely worked for us, so I am confident that they can work for you too! But I totally get it, this shit is scary when you’re just starting out!
I promise you that starting the coaching business of your dreams is actually wayyyyy more possible than you think right now! Take a look at the testimonials from other women that I have worked with who have done it. They were scared shitless in the beginning too, but they did it anyway and now look at where they are!
If you’re feeling the pull to join, trust it. That’s what I have always done and it’s what has gotten me to where I am today. Trust your gut!
A: Absolutely not. While I am a business & mindset coach, I have helped all types of coaches (nutrition coaches, life coaches, beauty business coaches, fertility coaches, reiki coaches, life coaches, mindset coaches, accountability coaches, art business coaches, photography coaches, course coaches, parent coaches, manifestation coaches, money mindset coaches, family coaches, etc.) start, grow and scale their coaching businesses.
A: You do not. While you absolutely have the choice to get certified as a coach in your specific industry if you WANT to, a certification or degree in this field is not required. A lot of really successful and impactful coaches don’t have any official coaching certifications. You simply need to be open to learning and growing, have a passion for helping people and a desire to make an impact!
A: 100% yes! Inside of this course we help you figure out exactly who you want to work with, what type of coach you really want to be and what kind of offer you want to create.
This dream you have of becoming a coach so you can help people and make a big impact in the world...
Of having the freedom to work when you want, where you want and make a lot of money doing it...
It's not going to go away.
It's your DREAM. And that means it's MEANT FOR YOU.
You don’t need a ton of time or money to start a successful, money making coaching business.
Here's what
students are saying..
Here's what
students are saying..